Morning words from the divine

Lately I have been running across alot more people who have a strong voice and have the will to speak up, educate, and influence others in a positive genuine way. After all that I have been through in the past year and a half. I almost gave up on people as a whole. I understand that I needed to learn some lessons in people and how authentically evil many are. It is ok to trust people however, you must use that discernment to understand to what level you can trust them and with what. Everyone who comes around you is a lesson or a blessing and the real task is to figure out what they have entered your life to teach you. The amazing thing with our each individual lives is that we each live in our own reality. We should never try to change the reality of others for what they see, feel, hear, and remember is true for them. Don’t discredit the things that have been put upon them but listen with a firm grip on what is TRUE in yours.

Published by Divine Time Podcast/ Blog

A warrior of love, speaker of truth, an empath that has learned his purpose and is focusing on bringing knowledge and being the voice for others and sharing their stories as well as mine. If you feel your voice isn't heard or want to share your story email me at Ase. You're beautiful and loved. Don't let the evil bring you down! Poly and motivational

2 thoughts on “Morning words from the divine

  1. True. But it’s sad that it is not soo easy as it is said. It takes a good experience and understanding to know a person’s head and heart.


    1. Everyone is different but I feel that listening to yourself (know how your body talks to you) and it will become easier to tell a person’s true intentions. It’s like a muscle you must constantly workout to get stronger.

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